Uhmm.. I didn't say, did I... why vet? As with all important great things in my life... it just happened! Of course, I always loved animals and wanted to have a little dog or kitty (or horse, lizard, panther, giraffe and many others), but becoming a vet never crossed my mind until 12th grade. And there I was, 12th grade, April or so - when all my colleagues had been preparing for a long time already for admission exams to university - refusing to take a decision that would affect the rest of my life. Then, because my mother insisted repeatedly, I bought the brochure with all Universities and I started cutting one by one all I thought I'd hate. I was left with architecture and vets, and architecture required good maths marks during high school (my average was around 5!)... so here I am!
I remember as if it were yesterday how it felt, the first day at the University, when right after the opening festivity I had to rush to get to the Histology lab; I didn't want to be late (as I was almost every day back in college years ;)) and as I was trying to find my way to the building situated in the opposite corner of the yard, I was thinking it seemed enormous and labyrinthic...
I also remember clearly how was the first lab exam (colocviu?) - anatomy - the bones! with Georgescu; a whole week of studying like crazy, determined not to miss a single exam and to be a model student... off course I failed! Almost all of us did.. that was the first from a long stream of deceptions.
Then better days followed, I started getting used to it, understand how it goes and what needs to be done to be all right.. but still I remember I couldn't wait for it to be over and done with, finish the faculty and escape from that sickening environment.
And then, in the very last day, right after the presentation of my work license, i was overwhelmed with a bunch of contradictory, surprising feelings: some sorrow that I didn't study more, that I didn't take advantage of all opportunities, that in my rush to finish faculty I didn't stop to enjoy it more, like I should have.. but also gratitude to my parents who supported me and kept me going so many years (..another 7!), and a huge gratitude for the Pathological Anatomy team of teachers, who helped and supported their students in a way I think no other teacher did (and a special big THANK YOU for Teo Soare who was absolutely great all the way!).

So I guess I bored you enough with this sentimental stuff, but I just felt I gotta let it all out so I can say GOOD BYE COLLEGE YEARS! and HELLO to what I hope will be an exciting great VET LIFE!
I'll get back to you soon with a brief from Great Little Britain,
Miss you all out there very much!
Felicitaaari:) poze antologiceee!!!
felicitari mai!!! nici nu cred ca am apucat sa iti zic pana acu... :(
multumesc! :">
Superbe pozele, tzump! :)
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