And straight after graduation Irina found the time to come and see me in old Britain before she starts the hard vetting life. Here we are :)
Nine days have flown by and now we have a few more things to remember when we'll be pensioneers :p Like...some long walks on the canal in the green county of Surrey, consulting on Saturday morning in a small brit veterinary surgery and clubbing in London on Saturday night near Picadilly Circus. And of course, the one morning that we spent together at the surgery where I regularly work, that was meant to be just the beginning of a whole week of work experience for Irina. This was brutally interrupted by a manager much too worried about 'insurance issues' and very determined to keep Irina away from any British animal or owner. After one afternoon of typical Romanian anger I reminded myself Dr Jeff Young's favourite saying, 'All British people are pussies!' and I reached the conclusion it was their loss anyway. Therefore, I went on by myself with our endless consults for bunnies and other little creatures and I encouraged Irina to explore London by herself. Which she did and which she'll tell you about very soon...
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