Saturday, 14 June 2008

Small animal clinic and others

It has been 7 months since i opened together with my brother and partner my clinic in Craiova Romania.It has been 7 months of struggle and hard work.
We tryed to find a technician but the persons we wanted to hire sincerely gave up after several hours .."I am to tired for another penicillin shot..."
In the end we are still alone only with a couple of volunteers that come and go.

The number of clients increased from one month to another and now we are happy to say that we have a share of the local veterinary care market.I am hoping that we can extend our contract with the owner of the house and that we can buy our fist x ray mashine which has become vital for our daily rutine .almost every day we have a case of possible metastasis or a brcken bone ...If we manage to buy the Xray mashine this would be the first in town and i do not think that anyone of the counterparts would afford to buy a similar unit.
The papers for such mashine is close to 4000 $ which is a lot of money in Romania but in order to make our work easyer and more professional we need this mashine.WE also could use a New grad to be our intern.I believe in this clinic and of course it is an alternative for all you out there if you think you wondered enough through the world.
In the next posts i will show you some of our most interesting cases and of course we can discuss about them.
Great hug to everyone,


Ioana said...

ricky fa-ti si tu cont sau semneaza-te la final ca ne bagi pe toti in confuziune :P si si-asa suntem turmentati...

irimuk said...

pei ne vedem pe la craiova! :) abia astept!