A massive iguana crawls quietly in the sunshine, onto the front deck, about 30 meters from where i sit quietly onto the couch, writing my stuff. They are pretty much everywhere, and I am sure by now one as let's say Ovidu, would have 3 pet iguanas around...well, not me:) I respect them, and I am happy to see them in their environment, but i do like to keep my distance. We do get them in the clinic at times thou, with road injuries, or attacked by dogs, but mainly they thrive well, and actually have completely managed to push aside the indigenous species, the blue iguana, that is currently on the brim of extinction.
There is a breeding programme for the blue iguanas, but sadly an ugly incident has shaken the caymanian community recently, as somebody broke in and killed a few of the main breeders one night. They did not yet identified the guilty party, but at least it has raised the awareness onto the blue iguanas ... and here it is, the famous one, only to be found here...

Living on a small island, there is so much one can do inland...but there is plenty o life in the waters around. This is a view from the famous Stingray City, a place where loads of stingrays of all sizes gather up, in very shallow waters, and currently wait for tourists to bring them some delicious squid.
Traditionally it started as a place where fisherman came to clean out their fish, and stingrays quickly learned they can have the rests.
Nowadays, one can come and move about surrounded by 30 some friendly stingrays,....keep those thumbs down thou if squid is to be offered:)
a stingray killed steve irwin...so stay away! we want you alive! :P
I met this guy's brother recently in France. Greetings from Sankt Augustin :-)
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