Wednesday 23 July 2008

From the other end of Europe, which happens to be an island :)

It wasn't my graduation ceremony, but to me it was as important as mine... This moment seemed so far away 4 years ago when I met Irina while cleaning the stables of our rescued gipsy horses from the Uni. This moment seemed even further away 5 years ago, when I asked Ovidiu to help me clean up the poo of new-born mutts in a dog shelter. And here they are... They are no longer 'the kids'... They are finallyyyy, laaadiiies and gentlemeeeen, VETS!!!!

And straight after graduation Irina found the time to come and see me in old Britain before she starts the hard vetting life. Here we are :)

Nine days have flown by and now we have a few more things to remember when we'll be pensioneers :p Like...some long walks on the canal in the green county of Surrey, consulting on Saturday morning in a small brit veterinary surgery and clubbing in London on Saturday night near Picadilly Circus. And of course, the one morning that we spent together at the surgery where I regularly work, that was meant to be just the beginning of a whole week of work experience for Irina. This was brutally interrupted by a manager much too worried about 'insurance issues' and very determined to keep Irina away from any British animal or owner. After one afternoon of typical Romanian anger I reminded myself Dr Jeff Young's favourite saying, 'All British people are pussies!' and I reached the conclusion it was their loss anyway. Therefore, I went on by myself with our endless consults for bunnies and other little creatures and I encouraged Irina to explore London by herself. Which she did and which she'll tell you about very soon...

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