Sunday 31 May 2009

Latest from around here

In an attempt to bring some of my old life over here, I had the empty boring walls covered with various random pictures. These ones are in my room:)

Yes, ladies and gentleman, this is the3rd successful recipe from the book "Cooking basics from dummies", and it turned out definitely yummy and will feed us for days. Seafood linguini !! Hurray to cooking!

And last but not least, the mighty map hanging above my bed. It's a Grand Cayman diving sites map, and the pins represent dives already done (in white 2008, in red 2009). It's not 100% accurate as some places overlap but it comes to serve a point. Most dives are in the most popular places over here, namely the North side and the West side, but currently I am focusing on the wild East End that has a lot of potential (and a lot of rocky waves, reason for which is not very popular). Unfortunately, the South side is still very much virgin, due to very strong currents and the lack of dive operators over there. Hoping to add more red to the map till the end of the year:)

Friday 29 May 2009

One night plain night, or what the on call does to a human being....

I have sustained many times that being on call should be banned by law if possible, but that is just my personal opinion.

Anyway, read fine night, 4.30 am, the phone rings. Vet asleep, in deep slumber. Barely conscious, reaching the phone "Hhhello, this is the emergency line, how may i help you" with a voice coming from the caves. Prr-tszt-ksick-prr comes from the other end. I try again.. "this is the emergency line"... nothing. Some distant voices far. Finally I realise it's a misguided call and I put the phone down. Then in the darkness of the room and as my neurons come back from zzz dreams, i start to worry, as i wonder if it's really an emergency, if they will call again, etc. etc.

Luckily by now more neurons awake and I realise.... I am NOT on call, the other phone is not around and that was my private phone that went off. Pffffiuuu.....
then I shut down the offending sole phone present and try to make it for another 3 hours of sleep.

Latest additions

I got around to try my 2 new aquisitions from one of the bookshops over here. I gave the Cooking one a try and turned out 3-4 good recipes untill now, which have been tasted and approved by my room mate and myself, and hoping to try some Photoshop tricks this weekend if I find some time.
On the list of things that I would like to aquire next, top place is taken by a fancy and expensive hammock which can only complete my Caribbean experience. Hopefully I will find more time to hang around in it, but I have visions of myself staying in it and watching a movie or reading a book. After all it is a bit too hot to have outside still! More pics with that if and when I aquire the fore mentioned object of my affection.