Meet a caymanian young sweet dog. His name is currently Travis (after being named Fire/Flash/Apollo) but anyway. He has been in the clinic for 3 weeks and is in intensive care. Well, not as much nowadays, but still taken half an hour of my daily routine. And is one of the most rewarding things I get to do (at least this week when I am in charge with the morning rounds:)

Travis has got a huge problem. He was tied to a tree next to a burning house/shed? something. He suffered severe burns and what you see in the following picture is an amazing healing process. When he came in his skin was still covering his body on the left side of his trunk, but was soon to be necrotic and harboured a large amount of pustular discharge underneath. 3 debridement surgeries later, daily change of bandage and a combination of silver sulfadiazine cream (and initially honey too but we gave that one up) he looks like this....

And this is me and on of my nurses, M., changing his bandages today..... You may wonder why I wear this street gang hood top on me (and having underneath a shirt and the official scub). Well, the answer lies in the climate wars. Basically, we (vets) have to spent a long time at the laptop writing the daily treatments, reports, etc. right underneath the heavy blowing air conditioning. (they) nurses walk up and down, take dogs in and out and are hot. We turn the AC up (or even off;), they turn it down. And so we have fun every day. Normally there are 1-2 vets in the hospital area and 5-6 nurses so vets are outnumbered. Sometimes we loose. Today I had to give up and put the hood on;)))

Us, posing with the pacient...

Finally, getting to work, starting up my bandage. Luckily, he is a very good and sweet dog and sits very patiently for that.

And the finished product. Tomorrow we begin again! An E collar was about to complete the picture. I will try to post some more pics as the weeks roll on;)
Dragul de el ! O sa ii mai creasca blanita pe locul acela sau o sa ii ramana cicatrice ? Si cine a putut sa il lase langa foc ?
tare scump e...imi aminteste de bruno...
da, exact, chiar ca e genul lui bruno. foarte cumintel si ascultator. si, nu, mama, nu ii mai creste blana din pacate, dar o sa se vindece frumos pina la urma.
O idee geniala blogul cu adoptiile de animale.Sper sa isi gaseasca citi mai multi un camin.Sincer asi mai lua si eu,dar am deja 2 catelusi,si de cateva zile si o pisicuta.Felicitari.
sa vedem si o poza la final ;)
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