Friday, 29 May 2009

One night plain night, or what the on call does to a human being....

I have sustained many times that being on call should be banned by law if possible, but that is just my personal opinion.

Anyway, read fine night, 4.30 am, the phone rings. Vet asleep, in deep slumber. Barely conscious, reaching the phone "Hhhello, this is the emergency line, how may i help you" with a voice coming from the caves. Prr-tszt-ksick-prr comes from the other end. I try again.. "this is the emergency line"... nothing. Some distant voices far. Finally I realise it's a misguided call and I put the phone down. Then in the darkness of the room and as my neurons come back from zzz dreams, i start to worry, as i wonder if it's really an emergency, if they will call again, etc. etc.

Luckily by now more neurons awake and I realise.... I am NOT on call, the other phone is not around and that was my private phone that went off. Pffffiuuu.....
then I shut down the offending sole phone present and try to make it for another 3 hours of sleep.

1 comment:

Petra said...

mami, o sa ajungi o epava...understandable de altfel... :))