Monday, 3 November 2008

What tickled my brain lately...

Well, ... eyes. In fact lately I have had quite a few interesting opthalmologic cases which I could not refer so I had to deal with them on the spot. Thou I have consulted the diplomat specialist on one in particular.
I had 2 corneal ulcers. One was old and superficial and multiple attempts of conservative management failed. The eye kept staining with fluorescein, thru many frustrating weeks of believing it can be managed without surgery.
The other one was new and acute, a good case of desmetocel turned anterior chamber prolapse with some iris in the equation in an 8 month puppy.

I did in both a procedure, quite straightforward, which I've come to love...a 3rd eyelid flap. Technique is important, as tension applied had to be just right; owner compliance ever so important as after care as eye drops and E-collar is vital; and another new trick is the usage of own patient serum alternatively with antibiotics;

Both of them healed well after 3 weeks of the flap in place. Even the nasty iris one healed well, with a good new scar but still, healed!

Another cool one, a case of Horner's syndrome in a 5 year old male neutered Dobermann; was a bit puzzled with that but after reviewing some neuro-ophtalmology and the nervous path way (long live Predoi..NOT:) all became more clearer.

And outside of the eyes, we had a magic case of a diaphragmatic hernia in a 3 month puppy...a very nasty one that made it succesfully.... more of that in a later episode.

And 3 cheers to my current favourite drug... long live Dopram. Respiratory stimulant that is a God sent:)


Petra said...

Misto chestia cu eye-flap-ul, pacat ca nu ai apucat sa mi-l arati :(

Mami Blogger said...

wow, grea meserie ti-ai ales ;-)

Andreea said...

daca nu m-am facut notar, mama mi-a zis....

Andreea said...

daca nu m-am facut notar, mama mi-a zis....

Mami Blogger said...

daca te faceai notar nu mai puteai lucra prin cayman. de fapt cred ca ajungeai doar ca ... turist ;-). cum o fi mai bine?!?

elisab said...

Poti, te rog mult, sa detaliezi procedura cu eye-flap-ul? :) si sa ne spui ce antibiotic ai folosit.
Avem un pisicut mic de 400g si ar fi singura lui sansa sa ii salvam ochii.
Elisa B si DoroteaZ - medici veterinari, Bucuresti :)